Shotguns Are Just Better: Scouts can craft Shotguns, which can deal 80 damage at point blank.Sinister Minister: The Father, the new Fiend in the teaser for Chapter 2 of Last Year, appears to be this.They'll shoot at the Fiend whenever he's within range. Sentry Gun: Technicians can build these out of nail guns, tripods and cameras.Offscreen Teleportation: As long as the Fiend is out of the survivors' line of sight they can disappear and reappear anywhere they please.Mighty Glacier: The Giant, who has the most health out of all the Fiend by far, but also moves the slowest.The Little Detecto: The scanners given to the Scout class, which can detect whenever the Fiend's nearby, even in Predator Mode.Kill It with Fire: Some weapons the Classmates can use include flamethrowers and Molotov cocktails.Jump Scare: All of the ambushes are this: whether the Slasher's jumping in through a skylight, the Strangler's pulling you into a vent, or the Giant's smashing through a wall, or the Spider bursts out of the ground you won't receive any warning and you will die instantly.

Also applies to the Strangler, as he uses a pair of rusty scissors.Improvised Weapon: Most of the Classmates' basic weapons, such as baseball bats, hockey sticks, and metal pipes are these.I Let You Win: Before the escape sequence starts, a common strategy for the Fiend is to make a suicidal charge against the Classmates to get killed and switch to another Fiend more suitable for defending the gate.The students have to make their own from the materials and supplies already available in the school. Homemade Inventions: Due to regular lethal weaponry being hard to get in a school.Genre Savvy: Troy's seen the most horror movies out of the classmates, making him the strategist of the group.Friend to All Living Things: Sam owns a pet rabbit and is friendly to all the rats skittering around the Nightmare.Eye Scream: The Strangler's executions usually involve a pair of scissors and his target's eyes.Death from Above: The Slasher can ambush the kids by dropping in from the skylights, planting his axe blade in their faces for an insta-kill.
Layers of fear 2 tv tropes full#

An Ax To Grind: The Slasher's preferred weapon for killing.Asymmetric Multiplayer: Five players play the Classmates, while the sixth plays the Fiend.Last Year provides examples of the following tropes: If the Classmates want any hope of escaping the Nightmare alive, they'll have to complete objectives, use the unique talents offered by their roles to their advantage, and stick together. However, the Classmates aren't completely defenseless - they're able to arm themselves with a wide array of improvised weapons, from lead pipes to jury-rigged flamethrowers and thermos grenades. With the Fiend able to spawn in anywhere from smashing in through a nearby wall to crashing in from the ceiling through a skylight, nowhere in East Side High is safe. Though the player playing as the Fiend is outnumbered five to one, their biggest advantage comes in the form of Predator Mode, which allows them to move through the school unseen, keep tabs on the students' locations, set traps to split up and disorient the group, and choose a Fiend to spawn as to move in for the kill. As they make their way through their school, they find themselves being pursued by a horrifying supernatural force, able to set deadly traps all over the school and manifest itself in the form of different Fiends out for their blood. After playing a cursed card game, a group of classmates wake up in a nightmarish reflection of their hometown known as The Nightmare.